
Anti-Aging With Cosmetic Acupuncture

by | Feb 6, 2017 | Functional Medicine | 0 comments

Acupuncture is a form Chinese Medicine, over 2,500 years old, that promotes healing and rejuvenation in the body. Acupuncture is growing more and more popular, both in mainstream society and medical research, for its efficacy in treating conditions such as pain, insomnia, headaches, and a huge list of other ailments.

The insertion of thin needles into certain points on the face produce an increase in circulation, oxygen, and collagen to the area, as well as a release of endorphins. The result is an a reduction in wrinkles, fine lines, a lifting of sagging skin and improved skin color and texture. As reporter Frances Childs says after 3 treatments, “My skin is rosier and clearer, my cheeks plumper. The lines around my mouth are less visible, and my forehead unfurrowed.” In addition to feeling more relaxed overall and sleeping better.

Cosmetic Acupuncture has been gaining a ton of popularity over the years, especially with stars Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Aniston utilizing it to for their youthful glow.

A person’s exterior, including their face, is affected directly by the overall health of their internal organs. So a typical Cosmetic Acupuncture session not only involves inserting fine needles on the face to tone and beautify the skin, but also the insertion of needles inserted elsewhere on the body to heal the internal organs.

The procedure is relatively painless, with most needle insertions feeling like a tingling sensation. It’s a great alternative for those that just don’t want Botox, or if someone is already utilizing Botox then cosmetic acupuncture can compliment it. As one cosmetic acupuncturist put it, “Botox targets specific fine lines and wrinkles, where cosmetic acupuncture improves the look and health of your skin.”

Most results are seen within 3 – 5 treatments. But most facial acupuncturists recommend a series of 10 successive sessions (every week or twice a week) with monthly follow-up sessions for maintenance. Each session lasts about an hour.

If you’re interested to know more or want to schedule an appointment you can reach Dr. Whitney on our Contact Page

– Travis Whitney, NMD, MSc

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