Success Stories
Autism Success Stories
See how our protocols have produced real results in autism patients.

“Our son was diagnosed with autism at 18 months old. We’ve been doing treatments for a year now, he’s conversing, recognizes others, is more social, is learning better… whereas before he used to have a huge meltdown. Stem cell treatment has been really life-changing for us.”
– Rahman Family
“We’d tried so many different treatments until we found Innate’s stem cell treatment. I was worried about any side effects cause London has one kidney smaller then the other. But since starting the treatments we’ve seen growth, eye contact, better balance, she can walk up and down stairs, her cognition and following directions is better. The number one thing we see has been more talking. We even found out that her smaller kidney has grown.”
– Franco-Malasquk Family
“Our son really seemed like he was shut off from the world. He just had these four walls up and couldn’t see who was in the room with him. So when we got the stem cell treatments, it was like Mason woke up and opened his eyes for the first time. It was the most amazing thing ever to see him try to hug his brothers for the very first time, play with his relatives, his grandparents, which was night and day. He could say or babble about two words. After treatment, he now has about 25 words, if you can say. He also went from identifying zero picture cards to now identifying upwards of 30 different pictures. Not enough good things to say about innate healthcare… stem cell treatment for our son has been absolutely life-changing.”
– Armstrong Family
“After about three to four weeks, Liam was able to answer yes or no questions, which has been huge…he just became more aware. One of the teachers mentioned that one of the students dropped all their cereal on the floor at school and Liam got a room and started picking it up, which has been, it’s a big deal for Liam. They also mentioned at his last IEP meeting if we would like to get him in a general ed classroom.”
– Liam and Brittany
“Cooper had been suffering from lack of focus and energy, reduced social engagement, and digestive problems stemming from a low immune system. It was a challenge to get Cooper to pay attention to things, and to respond to others when he was addressed. Since recently discovering Innate Healthcare Institute and the healing abilities of regenerative stem cell treatments, Cooper has improved across all measures including boosted verbal skills, healthier digestive system, more energy and overall general happiness and excitement. Cooper has displayed increased energy and awareness of those around him. He is much more active, and enjoying playtime much more than before. And after being in special needs classrooms since the age of 3, Cooper will joining a traditional 1st grade class this fall!”
– Cooper and Casey
“Wow! I can’t believe it’s been five months! Mason is still making progress in leaps and bounds! He is mimicking new words each and every day! I’d say he could babble about 2-3 words before treatment, and now can mimic about 25-30! It’s been so crazy to see! He’s also able to identify picture cards and can correctly identify upwards of 30 pictures! He’s still engaging more with his brothers, and is engaging with friends of ours that he’s never acknowledged before! It’s been such a wild ride! Everyday we’re amazed by something he does or says. My favorite thing he’s recently begun is responding to the word, “no!” It’s so amazing! As a child that has little awareness of danger, and often elopes, the ability to say, “no” and have him react appropriately is so great.”
– Gorman Family
“After our son was diagnosed wth severe Autism we tried everything but were’nt seeing any gains. We came across innate, it had the best reviews. I wanted the best for my son. After first time that he got his stem cells, it was like a miracle. He slept all night and before this, he was waking up at two in the morning trying to leave the house. He startd kissing us, started looking at us. After second treatment he’s now babbeling more and has better attention span. His teachers see it. My son is a living proof that stem cells do work, so we’re happy.”
– Stephanie and Jose
Schedule your consultation today.
Meet with one of our specialized doctors. We’ll help you develop a plan that fits you best.

I conducted extensive research on the clinic after reading negative comments in several Facebook groups that labeled American clinics as “illegal.” I thoroughly investigated their business license, verified the credentials of the primary doctor, and found that there were no disciplinary actions against them. Additionally, I looked into the background of the stem cell biologist and everything checked out.
Still feeling anxious about the treatment, I requested a viability test. The scientist graciously took a small sample of my child's cells and conducted a viability test in a machine, which confirmed that the cells were indeed 94 percent viable. The clinic itself is situated in an upscale commercial complex, similar to what you would find in Orange County, California, which further reassured me.
The staff was amazing. The nurses quickly managed to insert the IV into my child’s arm, which was a relief since she was understandably upset about the treatment. The entire procedure took place over the course of three days, but each appointment was quick and straightforward.
I’m not sure if it's a coincidence, but today my child said “mommy” for the first time. She has struggled with the “m” sound, as she finds it difficult to coordinate the motor planning needed to push her lips together. My heart swelled with joy to finally hear it after waiting for over two years. She experienced no negative reactions, and we had a wonderful time exploring Scottsdale after each treatment.
I am incredibly impressed with this clinic and deeply grateful for the services they provide. If you are considering stem cell treatment for your child and are contemplating traveling overseas, I encourage you to reconsider. Innate has been fantastic, and we plan to return in six months.
Follow-up: Some interesting things happened and I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or I’m crazy but… I asked Bella if she was hungry expecting silence and she said "YES!!!" Then last night my husband asked her for the brush she had in her hand and she said "NO, mine!”. She’s never responded to us before with words. She can say words as of February 2025 but never in a back and forth way. I’m literally so excited and feeling so much gratitude. Also she has a REALLY loud voice normally, and since yesterday her tone is WAY more normal. It’s been like that for almost 48 hours. I noticed she hasn’t been yelling and banging on the door to get out of the room in the morning as well. She’s been singing with a normal tone waiting for me to get her out of bed. Maybe it’s a coincidence but it’s a very strange one because she’s normally super loud and never responds to ANY questions. Just thought I’d let you know and will be in touch as time goes on. Looking forward to seeing you all in October! Thanks for being so nice to us.
Since the stem cell treatment, Olivia has shown progress.
She has increased the number of words she says. She began using more language after the first day of treatment in Phoenix and has continued to add more language since then.
We have kept a log of the new words she has said and continue to add to it.
Most recently, on Friday of last week, she said the first part of the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of her school day. This is something brand new, as Liv has never participated in saying the Pledge before.
We have limited the amount of time she is getting with her headphones. She goes most places without headphones when she is at home.
Her class is very loud, with other kids on the spectrum doing what kids on the spectrum do all day in class. She continues to wear her headphones there and
requests them when she does not have them due to the noise.
Most of the time, she is in a very happy mood. Her instances of showing anger or frustration have gone down. When they do occur, their duration is less than before the treatment.
We started the supplement protocol with Liv last Thursday when all her supplements arrived.
We now have her on most supplements, giving her one new supplement daily. We did this to ensure we would know what was making her feel bad if she showed signs of starting to feel off.
She is tolerating the supplements well and, thus far, has shown negative side effects.
We will have her on the full protocol by midweek this week if she shows no signs of negative side effects.
Speech has been paused until January. Liv was taking OT and speech on Tuesdays. Her speech therapist left the company, and they did not have a replacement to work with Liv until January. This change happened two weeks ago. So far, we have not seen any negative changes from stopping speech.
Her sleep schedule has been consistent, and she appears to be sleeping through the night nearly every night. This is a positive change from slightly more disruptive sleep pre-treatment.
3 month check-in:
Liv continues to improve. Her IEP meeting was something beyond our expectations. All of her data since stem cells + supplements shows her making progress - sometimes mastering skills on the testing - in places where she had made little to no progress over the past two years.
We are grateful and look forward to her next treatment in a few weeks.
I have noticed a lot of change in our son and daughter! When he gets out of school I give them both a kiss and hug and say hi. When he got out of school Friday he ran to me which is normal and I gave him his hug. That’s normal too, but what was different is I was talking to his therapist and distracted. He looked up at me as I was still hugging him and he said kiss!! Which was sooooo cute and when he got in the truck he said I LOVE YOU! ❤️ I have also noticed he is calming down ALOT! He is normally jumping and running around and being really loud. It has definitely come down a few notches. An it appears his vocabulary is growing. Something else that happened that was SUPER cute. One morning I heard "muah muah" and I thought "what is he kissing?" when I went to check on him he was holding is sister's head with each hand on each side of her head. He would pull her in and kiss her on the cheek!!! She LOVED it. She was smiling and laughing. Izaiah plays a lot more games.
Our daughter is doing good too! You can tell she is changing. When we went swimming she went automatically up to the other children in the pool. Normally she is getting acquainted with the water first or exploring. She is also walking up and giving me random hugs. She watched a WHOLE movie by herself.
They will give me give me kisses when I ask them. They have never done that before.
How are you? Thank you for checking on Sam. He is doing wonderful. We had an autism assessment done and he went from level 3 to level 2. I can see wonderful changes in him and no seizures for a year. We’re planning on coming back for 2 more treatments.
We hope to hear from you and please say hello to the amazing team. Thank you so much.
He now consistently has been saying “ok” “eat” “mama” “papa” and other words that he says randomly but not consistent. He seemingly is doing well in terms of spelling, he is spelling 7-8 letter words with his wooden blocks. After he spells the word with his blocks he either sounds out the word or spells the word, but doesn’t say the word. Ex: Chipotle, Vitamix, Theraworx, Vyvgart, Skyrizi, Farxiga, (he is interested in spelling drug names and commercials he sees on tv). Also he has significantly reduced tv time, he only watches some commercials then tries to spell the words he sees.
He also started making 2 word sentences just recently ex: late july, taco time, and costco nquil. He also does this with his wooden blocks.
Namja is doing amazing! After the first treatment, we noticed she is calmer, can sit for longer periods, and her receptive language has improved. She is following directions and understanding commands. Overall, she is doing great. We will see you on 9/25/23.
Thank you
• He is doing great at school he is relatively the most neuro typical student in his class & his teachers show a lot of promise in He & his progress
• He has no aggression towards strangers
• He has recently begun speech therapy at school or is beginning therapy in December as his school has detailed that he may be ready to progress in his speech.
• He had tantrums for two weeks during his gut health detox which we expected they have subsided & we expect his gut health has improved.
• He has always lacked patience with respect to his mood, there have been improvements
• Speech is not improved much he has blurted out primary syllables when motivated. When we drive by McDonald’s he has yelled Muc!! With no consistency
• His sleep has improved. Recently though he has hit a rough patch we think it’s due to the said flu. Unfortunately, he has never slept 10 hours or more The most 8-9 11- he does wake up during the night regularly than goes back to sleep, he does nap during the day after school during school work week.
• His appetite has increased as he has also had a growth spurt
He has been on the gluten dairy sugar diet for two years now.
• He is very regular he has had some delay in BM recently which is not like him He has had bloating in his stomach with pain usually at night related to the detox, we think.
• His social skills have improved from extremely anti-social to intermittent social strong behavior
Thank you so much for all the love and care you guys do for all the people who needed it. My husband said you guys were wonderful.
Please tell Doctor Travis Whitney I watch his youtube videos, they are very educational.
2 month follow-up: “We had a wonderful holiday season and it was a good time of rest. Elliot is continuing to grow and improve a lot! He is now making 3-5 word sentences on his own, without much prompting. He’s able to ask for everything he needs such as “I want _____” or “help me, mommy.” and etc. We’ve also seen improvements in his engagement with other kids (when we had some friends over). He was able to play near them and also participate in some of the activities without prompting, such as jumping on the bounce house with them (before he’d just get off if someone else got on). We’ve also seen less meltdowns as I said before and that continues to hold true. Yay!! He’s doing great.”
3 month follow-up: “Kellen is still doing great! He’s playing with his sister more, following simple directions better, still doing great in therapy, and his awareness keeps getting better and better. His receptive language also seems to be getting better!”
4 month follow-up: “Kellen is great! No more new words but he’s seeming to try to sign! Therapies have been going great and he’s learning so many new things. Completing activities, following directions…it’s been amazing! Eye contact seems to not be an issue anymore. We are so happy.”
6 month follow-up: “Kellen has been great! Therapies have been going great and he will be starting his Special Ed preschool in a couple months. His eye contact is still improving, responding to his name is almost 100% of the time, and his awareness for things and people has increased. We are still very happy with his progress and the stem cells!
We can’t wait for the next appointment in March!”
Ever since our autism journey began, I have kept a running list of improvements we have seen. Some of these have come after starting therapy, school, essential oils, meds etc. I notice most of what I tend to write down involves her verbal communication. That has always been a top goal for us since her potential has been there since the beginning. She has come a long way and is using her words more daily. Since our trip, she has started singing more songs from movies and shows she watches. The words are clearer and we can understand what she is singing. Lion King is her current favorite and she has said, “Timone, Pumba, Simba and Hakunna Matata.” She also has acted out the scene where Mufasa dies with her sister using a rock wall we have. She also quoted the line, “Scar, brother, help me!” It is also clear she is comprehending story lines well. This is a movie she has seen for years but she is doing more of this with other movies as well too, including ones she has just begun to watch. She has also started repeating each word in a full sentence if I ask her too. This is definately new. She has started addressing my sister’s and brother in law’s by name and interacting with them more and more. She always ignored the men in our family but has started acknowledging them and joking around.
We have noticed some non verbal things as well. Not long after arriving home, she asked to eat Cheerios which she hasn’t eaten in years. She is very picky, so this was a big deal for her. She has been more proactive about dressing herself and helping us with that. She has also worn a blue shirt, black dress and black shirt since returning home. She usually wears a pink dress or one pink shirt every day. This is a big change and she verbally requested different items. She seems to be sticking with the pink dress for school and the black shirt for home and other outings but it is still a change. She has transitioned quite well on a few occasions where she would have previously melted down. We hope this is something we will see more of.
Her anxiety is still pretty high as we work hard to manage it. I feel it has been a little worse lately, however, I feel when her brain seems more open it seems to be higher. I assume due to her added awareness. We have not tried any of the supplements yet as it’s very hard to get her to try new things. I plan to try the liquid serenity first as I am hoping it will help with the anxiety.”
2 month follow-up: “I’m sorry it had taken a while to respond. I appreciate you checking in. This month has been a little different as she has had a few weeks off of school. That seems to be harder on her being out of routine. Her anxiety was high and we had to work through that but that is our normal for this time of year.
That being said, we had a very successful trip to the Great Wolf Lodge where she was able to engage in water play quite easily. She transitioned from the water to our room well and even wore her mask in the hallways. She didn’t need any incentives this trip and seemed more comfortable. I visually prepared her for the holidays and our Christmas morning at home went very well. We are thankful for these small things.
We saw some friends that we haven’t seen since summer and they commented that they could see a difference in Felicity’s speech as well as her comprehension. There is more back and forth banter. We also received a wonderful report from her speech therapist as she has met all of her goals for the second quarter. I will include pictures of that. Her verbal communication is still probably the top improvement we have seen. One that is greatly welcomed.
We are expecting baby #4 in May and Felicity seems to fully understand and is very excited about the baby. Both her teacher and her therapist told us that she always points out “May and baby” when they go through the months. She knows when it will arrive. She also drew a picture
of me with a face on my stomach. It is so refreshing to see her understand and be excited about the new addition. Her writing seems to have improved as well.”
3 month follow-up: “Overall Felicity is doing well. It is the time of year where she will be evaluated and get a new IEP in place for next year. As of now, she has met or is close to meeting ALL of her goals for the year. We are very happy with her progress. Her verbal development has still been her most improved area. She now gives us hugs and says “I love you” just because, no prompts. It has been so nice to see her grow.”
1 year follow-up: “Felicity has grown so much over the past year. Especially with her language and developing relationships with other people. Prior to starting treatments she had a few words. She was starting to communicate basic needs, saying “mom” and “dad”.
Since treatments she’s addressing more immediate family, like aunts, uncles, grandparents by names. More comfortable with relationships, such as wanting to be around everyone instead of only being able to socialize with a few people in her immediate family. She wants to interact with everyone instead of only a handful of people. Now other family and friends can understand her and have better conversations. Sometimes we still need some clarification, but really nice to be able to communicate more with her. The most interesting thing was I stopped making a list of new words since new words became less significant cause she had so many more. Her teacher of two years sent us a great letter of how well she’s doing in class with language, behavior, moving forward in class. Her teacher said I think she is doing fantastic!! She is improving so much and coming out of her shell daily!!” We’re still working on her anxiety issues but they’ve improved. Her sleeping is still great as well. She wakes up early occasionally but nowhere near what it used to be. We’re really happy with everything and the way she’s developed since starting stem cell treatments.”
Thank you for always kindly checking in! We love having you all in Mason’s corner!”
5 month follow-up: “Wow! I can’t believe it’s been five months! Mason is still making progress in leaps and bounds! He is mimicking new words each and every day! I’d say he could babble about 2-3 words before treatment, and now can mimic about 25-30! It’s been so crazy to see! He’s also able to identify picture cards and can correctly identify upwards of 30 pictures! He’s still engaging more with his brothers, and is engaging with friends of ours that he’s never acknowledged before! It’s been such a wild ride! Everyday we’re amazed by something he does or says. My favorite thing he’s recently begun is responding to the word, “no!” It’s so amazing! As a child that has little awareness of danger, and often elopes, the ability to say, “no” and have him react appropriately is so great.”
6 month follow-up: “Mason is doing amazing!! Just yesterday Mason grab my dad’s hand and stared right into his eyes for several minutes. They talked, and Mase giggled, and the interaction had my dad in tears. He said, “He’s never acknowledged me before. Wow!”
It was an absolutely beautiful moment and those moments aren’t rare! They’re happening all the time! It’s amazing!
Thank y’all for checking in with us!
We love you guys!”
Almost completely potty trained, with a few accidents here and there
He is playing with his baby brother
He understands better and signs better to communicate.
He points better too
We think he is improving.”
So Habibur has been doing good so far. Ever since the treatment he has about 10 more new words, he is less fearful of the crowd. He tries to communicate and imitate. As term of his appetite, he is willing to try new things. He looks more alert. He is more engaging now. He still doesn’t play with other kids and has his sensory issues.
1 year follow-up
We’ve been doing treatments for a year now, a little over 1 year. This is his 4th stem cell treatment and the results we see get better after each treatment. Habibur wasn’t talking at all before we started treatment. Now he’s repeating a lot of what we say, says “thank you”, apologizes, says “sorry” if he hits brother, will say “hooray,”, “ha ha so funny”. Initiates conversations by saying hi. Is better playing with other kids and initializing playing with other kids. He lets us brush his teeth which is something new. He learns a lot better, especially from watching his brother more. He’s saying family members names now and addresses them by their titles in our language. He’s still picky with eating but recently he’s started drinking more water instead of only milk, and he’s been eating chicken which is new. I definitely recommend sticking to doing multiple treatments, we’ve seen so many improvements after the treatments.
2 year follow-up
Hello, we are doing well hope you all are doing well as well. Our son is doing wonderful. He was very excited to move to a new place and start new school. He loves his new school and he’s learning so many new things each day. His speech has gotten so much better since the last treatment. He is very expressive now. He’s able to answer questions and also communicate his needs to us such has his likes and dislike. His stimming is still there but very less compared to before. He is able to read, jump, and run. Things that were difficult for him before and we never thought he would be able to figure out and most of all speak. Hearing him talk was something we as parents never thought we would hear. He addresses us as “mom” and “dad”. He does not get irritated taking pictures now. He would actually say cheese. And also gives his opinion such as agreeing or disagreeing with something. That’s a huge thing. He has improved so much and we hope to see more improvement as time goes by. I would love to thank each and one member of Innate Healthcare Institute for all this wonderful improvement and for the time and effort you all put in. He remembers you all and talk about Arizona and would often go through the pictures and say “remember I go Arizona Dr. Whitney “. We will differently stop by to see you all if we do ever go by Arizona anytime. Thanks for always checking up and keeping in touch. Hope to keep in touch like this.
Habibur is doing well! He has been reading "Brown Bear" and his teachers have commented on his growth! They have noticed that he has picked up some naughty behaviors at school but they are happy that he is progressing in other ways!
1 year/4th clinic visit. Doing good. Repeating a lot of what they say, says "thank you", apologizes, says "sorry" if he hits brother, “hooray”, "ha ha so funny". Initiates conversations by saying “hi". Is better playing with other kids and initializing playing with ther kids. Let's parents brush his teeth. Is learning by watching his brother more and mimics him. Says family members names now and by their titles. Responsive in clinic, gives high fives, thank yous, and give. Was much better at following instructions for the treatment.
We are all doing well (:. Hope you all doing well. Habibur is more verbal now. He is able to say his needs and what he wants and doesn't want. He’s actually more demanding now. He Can make connections for example going to bank we get money and money we buy things. He’s more social around people. He will greet first to others say hi and also will use terms like sorry and thank you appropriately. And instead of repeating often he has started to answer some questions now. We took him for a haircut last week at the barber shop and he didn’t even flinch to the clipper and the blow dry. He sat like how a grown up would and got his haircut. He was very cooperative. There was a lot of people in the barber shop we had to wait for an hour and he was calm. He also has conversations with his brother now. We are so happy to see all things he's doing now that he once never did. Thank you to innate health for everything and thank you for always checking up. We miss you !
We wanted to thank you and innate health for having us and for all the improvements he has had. We are more than happy for all the things Habibur is able to do now. From being nonverbal to verbal and unsocial to social. From not being able to say his needs to being able so say that he wants now. He actually has conversation with his brother now. It’s unbelievable. He has come along way and innate has been a beautiful part of it . We really appreciate the time and advice you gave us. We will definitely visit you all when we come by Phoenix. We all miss you all.
Habibur is doing wonderful. He was very excited to move to a new place and start new school. He loves his new school and he’s learning so many new things each day. His speech has gotten so much better since the last treatment. He is very expressive now. He’s able to answer questions and also communicate his needs to us such has his likes and dislike. His stimming is still there but very less compared to before. He is able to read, Jump, and run. Things that were difficult for him before and we never thought he would be able to figure out and most of all speak. Hearing him talk was something we as parents never thought we would hear. He addresses us as “mom” and “dad”. He does not get irritated taking pictures now. He would actually say cheese. And also gives his opinion such as agreeing or disagreeing with something. That’s a huge thing. He has improved so much and we hope to see more improvement as time goes by. I would love to thank each and one member of Innate Health institute for all this wonderful improvement and for the time and effort you all put in. He remembers you all and talk about Arizona and would often go through the pictures and say “remember I go Arizona Dr. Whitney “. We will differently stop by to see you all if we do ever go by Arizona anytime. Thanks for always checking up and keeping in touch. Hope to keep in touch like this.
1/24 - 8 months after final visit
He is doing so much better (: he remembers all and talks about Arizona and remember innate and Dr. Whitney. And sure whenever you all are free we can arrange a FaceTime call and you can see him. He has conversations now. (: He’s actually goes to a regular elementary school. Still has special education but it’s more of collaborative with general education. He took part is Halloween parade and winter concert with everyone in his grade. Things that use to avoid and cause meltdowns before. He’s more social and affectionate now as well. Overall he’s doing much better and he’s more communicative. Something’s still bothers him and he has difficulty but we try to work around. (:
He is starting to go potty at night and is not wearing pull ups. We had a few accidents last night. He does drink a lot, but he is going! 🤗He is learning and attention skills are getting better. He is able to do what I say and try to dress himself really good.Besides that. The fact that he cares for your feelings. Especially sisters feelings.
His communication and comprehension of what he previously knew is expanding and improving. He is able to put more things together easily.
Overall, we are very impressed with Dave’s response to stem cells and hope to come back out for more treatments during summer break.”
The main change we’ve seen has been his sleeping pattern. He is sleeping 8-9 hours straight without waking up! We want to return this summer.”
Emma has made leaps and bounds! She’s counting and identifying letters.
Adrian sleep and bowel movements have improved. We notice that he’s been more attentive.
Before treatment he would wake up at 1 am and stay up all night but now he at least gets 8 hours each night. We are looking to return on the kids’ summer vacation.”
We haven’t needed to give her melatonin once since treatments. Before we were giving her melatonin 2-3 times a night, once for her to fall asleep and then we would giver more once she woke up so she would stay asleep. Now she sometimes wakes up at 4am and we tell her to go back to sleep and she does it. Before she’d wake up and jump on the bed, go through the house and turn lights on, and basically just be awake.
Maysa always had a chronic runny nose. Ever since treatment she hasn’t had a runny nose. Not getting allergies or colds like she used to. She’s fine the entire day of school and going to her clinic afterwards. She used to have a lot of stimming with any kind of probiotic product or food. She can now take the probiotics without having a bad reaction, and she can eat fermented foods.
She’s far more calmer, present. Not always running around looking for something to do. She’s been engaging in new activities. Never wanted to drive the battery powered car but after getting back she wanted to play and drive in the toy battery car. Her coordination has improved so much. Listening and learning instructions on how to drive, she now knows how to press the pedal and steer, she’s understanding so much better. It’s little things we see in her. We can’t thank Dr. Whitney enough for everything he has done! We’re excited come back in late Nov or early Dec and continue treatments.
He is starting to go potty at night and is not wearing pull ups. We had a few accidents last night. He does drink a lot, but he is going!
He is learning and attention skills are getting better. He is able to do what I say and try to dress himself really good.Besides that. The fact that he cares for your feelings. Especially sisters feelings.
2-month follow-up: “We had a wonderful holiday season and it was a good time of rest. Elliot is continuing to grow and improve a lot! He is now making 3-5 word sentences on his own, without much prompting. He’s able to ask for everything he needs such as “I want _____” or “help me, mommy.” and etc. We’ve also seen improvements in his engagement with other kids (when we had some friends over). He was able to play near them and also participate in some of the activities without prompting, such as jumping on the bounce house with them (before he’d just get off if someone else got on). We’ve also seen less meltdowns as I said before and that continues to hold true. Yay!! He’s doing great.”
Almost completely potty trained, with a few accidents here and there
He is playing with his baby brother
He understands better and signs better to communicate.
He points better too
We think he is improving.”
Thank you for always kindly checking in! We love having you all in Mason’s corner!”
5-month follow-up: “Wow! I can’t believe it’s been five months! Mason is still making progress in leaps and bounds! He is mimicking new words each and every day! I’d say he could babble about 2-3 words before treatment, and now can mimic about 25-30! It’s been so crazy to see! He’s also able to identify picture cards and can correctly identify upwards of 30 pictures! He’s still engaging more with his brothers, and is engaging with friends of ours that he’s never acknowledged before! It’s been such a wild ride! Everyday we’re amazed by something he does or says. My favorite thing he’s recently begun is responding to the word, “no!” It’s so amazing! As a child that has little awareness of danger, and often elopes, the ability to say, “no” and have him react appropriately is so great.”
6-month follow-up: “Mason is doing amazing!! Just yesterday Mason grab my dad’s hand and stared right into his eyes for several minutes. They talked, and Mase giggled, and the interaction had my dad in tears. He said, “He’s never acknowledged me before. Wow!”
It was an absolutely beautiful moment and those moments aren’t rare! They’re happening all the time! It’s amazing!
Thank y’all for checking in with us!
We love you guys!”
4-month follow-up: “Kellen is great! No more new words but he’s seeming to try to sign! Therapies have been going great and he’s learning so many new things. Completing activities, following directions…it’s been amazing! Eye contact seems to not be an issue anymore. We are so happy.”
6-month follow-up: “Kellen has been great! Therapies have been going great and he will be starting his Special Ed preschool in a couple months. His eye contact is still improving, responding to his name is almost 100% of the time, and his awareness for things and people has increased. We are still very happy with his progress and the stem cells!
We can’t wait for the next appointment in March!”
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